Kitten Crazy Level: Plastic Wrap

I’ve been a little silent recently because I’ve had a monumental amount of school work. Recently though, I was able to make a trip to Ikea (love that place!) to buy some mattresses. Their mattresses come in impossibly tight rolls covered in plastic. I ended up with four pieces of plastic and a large blue tarp, from the box spring, all in one big pile. For most people, that’s just a big pile of garbage. For Kitten, that is heaven. Crazy, Cross-eyed Heaven. So to apologize for my absence, I give you a few pictures of my immensely adorable Kitten…






Just. Tired.


Forget “Happy as a pig in mud.” Now it’s “Happy as a Kitten with plastic.”

Ready for a ride in the C-A-R


Having a dog around is a lot like being around a little kid, you end up doing a lot of spelling. C-a-r.  B-o-n-e.  C-a-t.  W-a-l-k.  B-a-t-h.  Those are words that can only be said, instead of spelled, if you are trying to elicit some response from the dog. Almost all of those words are met with jubilant responses, apart from b-a-t-h and c-a-t. “Bath” makes him run to the farthest corner of our backyard and bark awkwardly. He never barks so it sounds very silly and unnatural.

Rides in the c-a-r are normally his favorite thing, so if you are wondering why he is making such a ridiculous face… There is a perfectly good explanation..


If he only knew getting in the c-a-r is the last thing the c-a-t wants to do…

Take a Cat Video They Said…

After watching WAY TOO MANY cat videos online yesterday, I decided I would try to film one myself. I didn’t really have a plan, I was just going to film and see what came out of it. As you can see from the above video, he was less than cooperative. Every time I would start to film, he would move to the most inconvenient spot…


Ordinarily he is the least cuddly cat you can possibly imagine. Try to take his picture though, and he becomes ridiculously clingy. I did get a few decent shots in, before giving up..



I’m very sad that this last one was blurry, but I still love it.


Have a good Caturday, everyone…


Happy Caturday, Everyone. I just wanted to point out how absolutely ridiculous cats can be. These two can’t stand each other, and yet they insist on always being together. For example, sitting together on the back patio..


Catching bugs… together…


One sleeps on my shoe..


The other watches from a few feet away…


All this bonding time but if they both try to walk through the doorway at the same time, there will be an all out war. It would probably be complete with flying fur and those bizarre noises only cats can make… They are so strange… but I love them…

Kitten Crazy Level: Finals Week


I am in the middle of studying for my Spanish final and Kitten jumps on my desk, lies down and proceeds to use my hand as a pillow. How am I supposed to move my hand and keep working when he is this cute? Apparently, it was all an act of love and sympathy, because when I did move my hand and attempt to adjust the keyboard, I was met with some resistance…


Was he saying, “No. Go take a nap!” ? I think so. Sweet, thoughtful Cat.

Kitten Crazy Level: 420

DISCLAIMER! I do not allow the cat on the kitchen counter. Ever. The catnip made him lose his mind. I’m not sure why Kitten has recently developed an affinity for cooking surfaces either..


I was in my study writing a post about New York bagels and listening to iTunes and I kept hearing a plastic bag rustle, but I didn’t really pay any attention. After about 10 minutes it finally occurred to me. I ran to the kitchen and this is what I saw…




We were at the flea market earlier that day and we picked up some catnip along with a few other plants. I guess he smelled it from the floor, because the counters in the kitchen are 100% off-limits. He is never up there. Yes, it was bad that he was on surfaces where we prepare food, but I figured he’d already been there for a few minutes so taking a couple of pictures wouldn’t hurt anything…

Kitten Crazy Level: Mall Cop

I’ve posted 3 or 4 posts that weren’t about my cat since my last Kitten post, so I’m allowed to post a new one right? I think so. I just don’t understand how or why cats do some of the things that they do. For example, walking along the top of a 6 ft. fence on that tiny little piece of wood that sticks out of the side. How wide could that be? an inch?


He was being The Great Protector and surveilling a neighborhood cat who was thinking of partaking in some of his kibbles. The nerve of some cats! In Kitten’s effort to protect his territory he was nimbly pacing up and down the whole fence line with no problem. Cats have amazing dexterity.


Then he would “rest” with all four paws piled on one tiny fence post. Silly cat…