“No, No, Amelia.”

It’s the first Monday of the year, which may also be the worst Monday of the year. Thanksgiving and Christmas are gone. The New Year has been celebrated, and now we are all left to live with the resolutions we made for ourselves. Amelia might even be acting out what a lot of people felt going into work this morning.

Here’s the story (don’t worry, it’s not a long one)…

Amelia likes to pull apart her humidifier and play with the stale water at the bottom. #GrossBabyThings. I was trying to record her playing on her bean bag chair, but, in typical baby fashion, she stopped playing on it as soon as I hit, “record.”

When I tell her not to play with the humidifier tanks, she has a full-on little baby heartbreak. I couldn’t imagine a more sincerely devastated reaction.

Watch to the end to see the cutest baby face-palm ever. Seriously.


Anyway, Happy Monday and Happy New Year!